时间:2024-02-20 浏览:6次
The device works perfectly not only with people, but also on animals and on plants.
植物的相关 短语 :
植物园 botanical garden ; Botanic Garden
水生植物 aquatic plant ; hydrophyte ; water plants ; Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
裸子植物 Gymnospermae ; gymnospermous plants ; Gyrnnospermae ; Gnetophyta
被子植物 angiosperm ; Angyospermae ; Angiospermae angiosperms ; Magnoliophyta
种子植物 seed plants ; spermatophyte ; Phanerogam ; Seed-bearing
植物纤维 plant fiber ; vegetable fibre ; vegetable fiber ; plant fibre
木本植物 woody plant ; xylophyta ; Xyloid ; arbor foodstuffs
附生植物 Epiphyte ; aerophyte ; epiphylline ; adnascent plant
植物学家 botanist ;
1. They identified six plants as having potential for development into pharmaceutical drugs.
他们验明6 种植 物有可能提炼出药物麻醉剂。
2. Dig over any ground that is clear of crops and plants.
3. The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia.
4. In less than seven days the infested plants had recovered.
5. Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.
6. The plant has an unpleasant odour and an acrid taste.
7. Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat.
8. She grew many wonderful plants that were unfamiliar to me.
9. These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.
10. You would have to dig up the plant yourself.
11. Our photograph shows how the plants will turn out.
12. High temperatures also result in high evaporation from the plants.
13. Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems.
14. These plants must be stored in the light at above freezing temperature.
15. Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.
植物的重要性或作用 英语作文
Trees help to stop the wind.When there are no trees, the wind blows more strongly over the land. Strong winds can hurt the piants. they can aslo blew away the soil.Heavy rain can aiso carry away the soil. Trees help stop this. When there are no trees, the heavy rain carries a lot of soil into the river.When this happens,the rivers become full ,the land becomes poorer and it becomes harder to grow things.树可以停止风。当没有树的时候,风会吹的更加猛烈。猛烈的风可以伤害植物,也可以吹走泥土。暴雨也可以带走泥土。树可以帮助阻止。当没有树的时候,暴雨会带走很多的泥土到河里面。当发生这种情况,河理会充满泥土,土地会变贫瘠,种东西变的越来越困难。
use of plants (植物的作用有哪些)希望用英语回答,谢谢Thousands of plant species are cultivated for beautifying the environment, provide shade, adjustment of temperature, wind speed reduction, noise reduction, provide privacy and prevent soil erosion. People will be placed in the indoor flowers, dried flowers and potted plant, is set outdoor lawn, shade trees, trees, shrubs, vines, a perennial herb and flower flowers plant images are usually used in the fine arts, architecture, nature, language, photographic, textile, coins, stamps, flags and emblem. Live plant art types include green carved, bonsai, flowers and trees. Ornamental plants sometimes affect the history, such as the tulip mania. The plant is every year, billions of dollars in tourism industry, including the botanical garden landscape, history, National Park, tulip farms, forests and the colorful autumn leaves the forest to travel. Plants also provide a basis for the spiritual life of human need. Use daily paper is the use of plant production. Some of the fragrant substances of plant is human made perfume, flavor and other cosmetics. Many musical instruments are also made from plants. And flowers and other plants is a decorated human living space of ornamental plants.
Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants.
There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and nonflowering plants.
Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. .
Most plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores. Spores are very, very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shady② places, they usually grow into new plants.